To become proficient on the necessary skills for proper hose handling, engine operations while establishing a sufficient water supply to maintain continuous Gallons Per Minute (GPM). Enhance Incident Command System (ICS accountability) skills.
The Saugatuck Township Fire District, along with other area departments built this collaboritive tool to demonstrate the benefit of home sprinkler systems. These demonstration trailers are powerful tools public education community risk reduction programs, while being a safe and easy tool.
The Saugatuck Township Fire District along with Allegan County Sheriff's Department took a weighted dummy out to Lake Michigan to practice recovery techniques.
Landing Zone training for Helicopter Rescue makes sure your team is safe and efficient, to make your critical calls run smoother. It is important that our crew is educated in selecting and preparing landing zones, communicating with the pilot, patient preparation, loading of patients in the event of an emergency.
In partnership with Graafschap and several other departments, we were able to purchase a heavy rescue vehicle to use as a shard resource. Graafschap was awarded a grant from AAA Michigan to purchase Stabilization Equipment for the truck. We participated in a training session to learn various ways to use the equipment and got a chance to try it out. This training prepares first responders in the event of an ice rescue. They learn practical techniques for evaluating local ice conditions, learn about knots and rigging, reach, throw, and go techniques.
The Traffic Incident Management (TIM) program is approved by the Federal Highway Administration, and designed to help emergency responders minimize the risk of responding on or near a highway by understanding elements of a safe work zone and recognizing the potential hazards in operations elements of a safe work zone and recognizing the potential hazards in operating on or near a highway. The program covers a variety of items, including the need for advanced warning, apparatus positioning and placement, multi-agency communication, scene lighting, retro-reflective and florescent personal protective equipment and coordination of on-scene apparatus and personnel.
To learn and practice a breathing techniques and increase mobility in their suits, the STFD crew suited up in full turnout gear for a friendly game of dodgeball at Douglas Elementary School. The gear and an air pack adds nearly 100 pounds of weight to each firefighter. When you combine the added weight with the adrenaline of being in a live fire situation, it is easy to use up an air tank too quickly. The air management techniques help the firefighters maximize their air tank usage.... and they had a little fun too! |
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